Monday, October 10, 2011

LRod Photo and Trade Show Update

Here's a another photo from this weekend's auto show.  I've posted a few additional photos on Twitter. My next model gig isn't until Thursday, so I have plenty of time to rest up from the cold that I caught this weekend. Also, I'm filling-in for a fellow meteorologist in North Carolina next week...

While I am out of town, my very pretty and youthful-looking mom will be working as my fill-in "Trade Show Treadmill Model" for Alter-G on October 17th & 18th (noon to 4pm) at the DC Convention Center. 

If you are in town, stop by the Alter-G Treadmill exhibit and say hello to my mom :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thank You Blog Followers :-)

Wow! Special thanks for your wonderful e-mails about Earl, my dance partner at the senior center. I'm not quite ready for "Dancing With The Stars" yet, but Earl certainly is :) Earl is living proof that age is just a number. He's been retired for quite some time now and he has more energy than anyone I've ever met. 

Looking ahead, there are many fun painting, modeling and volunteer projects this month that I will post on Twitter at @TVWeathergal