Friday, August 26, 2011

Preparing For Hurricane Irene

Irene's Latest Track Projection from TWC
From Eastern NC to New England, Hurricane Irene is set to track up the east coast this weekend threatening damaging winds, widespread power outages, major flooding issues and downed trees on cars, houses and power lines. Major cities to be impacted include Outer Banks, Norfolk, Washington DC, Philadelphia, New York City, Boston and Portland.

So how can we best prepare for Irene’s wrath? Here are a handful of tips: Stock up on water (NOAA recommends 1 gallon per person per day of impact), gather non perishables and a non-electric can opener (considering power outages), gather batteries and flashlights. Also considering the strong winds coming, it’s a good time now to pick up, put away and/or tie down outside items that can fly away (lawn chairs, plants, etc.).